Evolution may ultimately reveal the truth of life and death but neither religion nor science have been historically infallible nor unerring.

Blog: awalkingdelight

Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology

By: J.P. Moreland, Dan Egeler-Forward

Narrated by: Mathew McAuliffe

J. P. Moreland (Author, American philosopher, theologian and Christian apologist.)

“Scientism and Secularism” is a disappointing polemic on an important but highly biased assessment of religion and science. No one escapes the bias of belief because of their life experience. J. P. Moreland’s life experience leads him to believe God is the proven origin of life. For many that is not how they became believers or non-believers. Belief in God is an evolutionary belief just as truths of science have evolved with newer discoveries.

The horrible consequences of religious belief have murdered millions of human beings.

Moreland’s book is a tiring replication of faith not factual certainty or proof of God’s existence. Religion, like science, has evolved over centuries of human existence.

Maybe there is God, but Moreland’s God is only Moreland’s God, a God founded on faith not proof.

Who in their right mind would not want a God that is omniscient and omnipresent that ultimately ensures the fair treatment during life and after death?

As a discipline, philosophy addresses fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, and existence. It plays an important role in science because it provides a framework for empirical evaluation, but categorization as a philosopher is not evidence of truth. At best, Philosophy is only a beginning of knowledge, not proof of knowledge.

Moreland denies evolution but history shows both religion and science have evolved over the centuries with immeasurable pain and gain for society. Moreland argues Darwin is wrong about the evolution of man. Moreland argues the randomness of genetic selection and time are not an experimentally proven explanation of the perfection and distinction of animal species. Really?

The only area of agreement one may have with Moreland is that great achievements in the world of ideas and things could not have been created without the existence of both religion and science. Evolution may ultimately reveal the truth of life and death but neither religion nor science have been historically infallible nor unerring.

Author: chet8757

Graduate Oregon State University and Northern Illinois University, Former City Manager, Corporate Vice President, General Contractor, Non-Profit Project Manager, occasional free lance writer and photographer for the Las Vegas Review Journal.


  1. The power of the kabbala taught by Rabbi Akiva to raise rabbinic mitzvot unto mitzvot from the Torah.

    Orthodox Judaism FAQ • Answers to frequently asked questions on Judaism

    To keep shabbat requires knowledge how to distinguish shabbat from the week day. This discerning in the language of Hebrew “הבדלה”. The Torah commands not to work. Translations hides a multitude of sins. The word “work” expressed as מלאכה: skilled labor and עבודה: unskilled labor. The bible translations “broad brush” of “work” conceals this subtle distinction. The Talmud studies how different languages say the same thing. Examine the Targum Onkelos and witness a masterpiece by which a scholar makes a Hebrew/Aramaic 1:1 translation.

    The study of this Targum assists all generations of “down stream” pupils to learn the Aramaic employed by the Talmud Bavli. Aramaic employs the clause: “מאי נפקא מינא”, which asks the question: “What’s the differerence”. The study of the Torah commandments, all 613 Torah commandments, most essentially requires making this מאי נפקא מינא which transforms positive & negative commandments – which do not require k’vanna; to tohor time oriented commandments, which do require k’vanna.

    Why do Jews not believe in JeZeus even after all he did; and he said if you don’t believe in me you’ll go to Hell for eternity. Did Jesus lie? Is Gehinnom eternal? Do Jews not believe what he says? Why for 2000+ years have the Jewish people abhorred and decried belief in JeZeus as a false messiah avoda zarah?

    New Testament theology = revisionist history. However T’nach does not teach history, despite historical/conservative Judaism narishkeit. The T’NaCH defines prophesy as a tohor persons who commands mussar.

    Witchcraft, by stark contrast, a tumah false prophet predicts the future. Hence the New Testament (Roman counterfeit) declares that JeZeus fulfilled the words of the prophets. Proof that the New Testament promotes false prophet theologies. False prophet theologies defined as a predetermined creed/dogma which dictates what and how people should believe in God as an act of faith.

    The Torah defines the tohor concept of faith as: Justice, Justice pursue. Based upon the cruel corrupt and oppressive Courts of king Par’o who withheld straw to Israelite slaves and who ordered the overseers to beat without mercy Israelites for their failure to meet the quota of bricks imposed upon these Israelite slaves. Based upon the conditions where Par’o supplied the Hebrews with the straw they required to make bricks their quota of bricks.

    Yitro commanded a strong mussar to Moshe when he saw Moshe all alone judge the disputes between the people. Justice defined as the power of common law courtrooms to make fair restitution of damages inflicted upon Jews by other Jews.

    Muhammad pulled the exact same rabbit out of his tumah magic-hat. The Koran rhetoric repeats prophet, prophet, prophet Ad infinitum, yet never defines – from the Torah – the term prophet. The Gospels did the exact same tumah Abracadabra, with the ((to quote Baba Kama: “Mountain hanging by a hair”)), the Pie in the Sky term of: Love.

    T’NaCH prophets command mussar. Why? Because mussar applies straight across the board to all generations of bnai brit Israel. A bnai brit Israel grows the תוכחה\mussar rebuke within our hearts.

    We grow and nurture this mussar within us. And these “tohor spirits” (based upon the revelation of the שם השם לשמה) they live within our hearts. They cause bnai brit Israel to dedicate defined tohor middot (‘ה’ ה’ אל רחום וחנון וכו, also known as the Oral Torah revelation at Horev) in all our future social interactions with our family, neighbours & people.

    Hence the spirituality known as: the baali t’shuva. Mesechta Sanhedrin of the Talmud learns the mitzva of Moshiach tied to the mitzva of baali t’shuva. Based upon Moshe and the burning bush confrontation. Wherein Moshe vocally opposed to go down unto Egypt to bring Israel out from judicial oppression slavery. Yet Moshe, as a baali t’shuva descended unto Egypt and brought Israel unto freedom. Moshe serves as the Torah model for the mitzva of Moshiach. Moshe did not build a Catholic assimilated Cathedral as did king Shlomo. King Shlomo worshipped avoda zarah.

    Moshe struggled to build the small sanhedrin Federal courts on the far side of the Jordan river. When king David, based upon the mussar commanded by the prophet Natan, commanded his son Shlomo to build the Beit HaMikdash, he had no such k’vanna for king Shlomo to assimilate and copy the customs manners and ways of the Goyim, who reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai, and who build Cathedral Temples throughout the annuls of Human History. The k’vanna of the Moshiach to build the Beis HaMikdash learns from Moshe Rabbeinu who established the small Sanhedrin Federal Courtrooms in 3 of the Cities of Refuge on the other side of the Jordan river.

    The mitzva of Moshiach constitutes as a tohor time oriented commandment; applicable to all generations of the Jewish people, just like tefillah stands in the stead of korbanot. All tohor time oriented commandments, applicable to all the Jewish people. All tohor time oriented commandments stand upon the foundation\יסוד of “fear of Heaven”.

    This foundation of pursuit of judicial justice requires that a baali t’shuva dedicates a tohor middah. Which tohor middah does the mitzva of Moshiach require as its holy defining dedication to שם השם לשמה? The middah dedication to restore the lateral Sanhedrin Federal common law courts across the Torah Constitutional Republic.

    Mesechta קידושין teaches that tohor time oriented commandments as applicable to women qualifies as a רשות option. If women choose to place tefillen or read from a Sefer Torah these tahar time-oriented commandments come within the רשות of their Will. The NaCH kabbalah בנין אב precedents for this Talmudic ruling, the story of D’vora & Barack fighting together to defeat the Army of Sisera.

    Another example which explains “all” tahar time-oriented Torah commandments, which “all” deal with some crisis – life or death – situations: the reading of the Megillah of Esther. The fast by Queen Hadassah. Where she chose to approach the king and plead for mercy for the Jewish people; to thwart the efforts of Haman and his attempt of genocide. Purim and Pesach share a “כרת-like” common denominator. Purim links to avoda zarah: which prohibits assimilation and intermarriage with Goyim. While Pesach links the removal of chametz which teaches the essential נמשל, the removal of avoda zarah from within our hearts, in order to accept the Torah without the av tumah avoda zarah – in our midst.

    Counting the Omer, yet another prime example of the exact same tahar time-oriented commandment. The 42 letter Divine Name, known as אנא בכח, carries the k’vanna dedication to remove the Av tumah avoda zarah from within the bnai brit hearts who dedicate the tefillah oath known as Shemone Esrei.

    The oath sworn alliance, known as “brit”, (like as found in בראשית\ברית אש, ראש בית, ב’ ראשית), this key Torah term means “alliance” and also “Republic”. The 12 Tribes forged this oath brit alliance which established the First Commonwealth of the Torah Constitutional Republic of the 12 Tribes. Based upon the Torah precedent, (known in Hebrew as בנין אב) upon Moshe anointing Aaron and his House as Moshiach.

    Aaron dedicates korbanot. A korban sacrifice does not at all represent a ‘Barbeque unto Heaven’. To dedicate a korban absolutely requires swearing a Torah oath. Just as to cut a brit לשם השם לשמה requires swearing a Torah oath. Just as the Shemone Esrei standing tefillah requires the k’vanna to swear a Torah oath through the dedication of one or more defined tohor middot. Blessings contain שם ומלכות. The precondition required to swear a Torah oath.

    The mitzva of Moshiach, a mitzva applicable to all generations of Israel. Just as tefillah and the mitzva of shabbat, and all other tahar time-oriented commandments, applicable to all generations of Israel. Swearing a false oath or public profanation of Shabbat, carry the din of – כרת. The din of כרת – a life or death crisis of faith. If a רשע refuses to give his ex-wife her ‘get’. A beit din can make a נידוי decree of כרת, and there after issue a ‘get’ and free that woman; permitting her to do the tahar time-oriented commandment of קידושין.

    The revisionist history of Xtian avoda zarah lacks the wisdom to discern between T’NaCH/Talmudic common law from Roman statute law. This Av tumah avoda zarah has witnessed: oppression and cruelty, that far surpasses the evil ways of Par’o and the Egyptians. This false prophet, false messiah – based religion – proves the Gospel declaration of: “By their fruits you shall know them.”

    The church stands guilty of the Shoah blood of Caine: the Inquisition, 3 Century ghetto war crimes, annual blood libel slanders, mass expulsion of Jewish refugee populations from virtually every European country etc etc etc. This Av tumah avoda zarah condemned by נידוי כרת decree, as expressed through the k’vanna of the 9th middle blessing, within the Shemone Esrei oath blessing. Swearing the Torah oath through the mitzva דרבנן of Shemone Esrei raises this tefilla to a tahar time-oriented oath commandments דאורייתא.

    Tahar time-oriented mitzvot can include all the halachot contained within the defined mitzvot within the Talmud. The Oral Torah פרדס has the power to elevate rabbinic mitzvot to mitzvot from the Torah at the revelation at Sinai. Hence all tahar time-oriented commandments require the Oral Torah k’vanna learned through the פרדס logic kabbalah taught by rabbi Akiva.


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